5 bulbs you need to plant right now5 bulbs you need to plant right now

5 bulbs you need to plant right now


It’s almost time to leave your garden alone for the winter months, but don’t delay on the last jobs you need to get done! Leave them too late, and you’ll have to dig around in the cold November ground, or you risk your bulbs perishing in the cold frosts of winter. These are the jobs to do in your garden ASAP.

Although your garden’s bright and beautiful summer is over, if you want a stunning display in spring, it’s time to get planting now.

October and November are the perfect time to plant bulbs; by the time spring comes around, you’ll be so glad you spent an autumn afternoon putting your bulbs in.

These five bulbs need to be planted before the ground gets too cold for them to thrive. Plant them now, and you should have a show-stopping display by springtime.

This will probably be your last big gardening job of the year, as bulbs require minimal maintenance.

So get your bulbs down, and you can hang up your gardening gloves and put your feet up until 2022!

What bulbs should you plant before the end of the month?

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Hyacinths are happiest in well-drained soil with full sun, and you should get them in the ground before the end of November.

They should bloom around the same time as your daffodils, in April.


These dramatic-looking flowers flower in late spring and early summer, but it’s already time to plant them if you want these show-stoppers to add drama to your borders.

Get your Alliums planted as soon as possible; leave it any later and the ground will be too cold for these delicate bulbs.

Avoid planting Alliums anywhere too damp, as you’ll risk rotting the bulbs.

A well-drained area with plenty of sunshine is where these bulbs will be happiest.


Bearded Iris is the most popular form of Iris for British gardeners.

This bulb will produce a beautiful ruffled Iris flower in May.

Bearded Iris needs a lot of sun, so try to find a nice south-facing spot, and avoid crowding Irises in with lots of other plants.


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