
A recent survey on the impact of workspace on employee productivity at American office furniture company Steelcase:
The study has been conducted since March 2020 (America, Latin America, Europe). At the moment, 32,000 people have taken part in the survey.
Some results:
What do you like about working from home?
no need to commute from home to work, easier to concentrate, a sense of productivity, work-life balance
What do you not like about working from home?
No sense of connection with colleagues, productivity gradually decreases, it is difficult to switch between family-work contexts, it is necessary to prepare food, etc., the lack of a comfortable and ergonomic workplace, disturbing family members, or feeling of loneliness among them those who are alone at home.
- Isolated zoomer — sits alone at home and receives calls one by one, “solitary confinement.”
2. Freedom seeker — he makes plans for himself — if he wants to go to the office if he doesn’t want to, he works from home.
3. A frustrated creative worker — doesn’t want to work in the organization anymore, wants to take on assignments from different clients from time to time.
4. Overloaded responsible employee — constantly busy, overloaded, and stressed — is not working from home. It is living at work
5. Relieved home office employee— feels safe & comfortable working at home
Employees vs. Managers
Employees find it more comfortable to work in the office. Working remotely, they feel isolated and lack communication and socialization.
Managers find it more comfortable to work from home, come to the office to chat.
Want back to work in an office (with the ability to work from home for 1 day)
In America, 72% of respondents
In India, 39% of respondents
In England, 46% of respondents
Intentions of companies for the further format of work
only 5% of companies plan to return all employees to the office
23% of companies are ready to leave the remote work format forever
72% will leave the option to work remotely (hybrid model)
Many thanks to Tatyana Novikova, General Director of the Russian office of Steelcase, for providing information.
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