When people learn that they can write their own eBook in 10 days, they often think it’s impossible.
Well, today I’m going to show you exactly how to do it.
It’s really MUCH easier than most people think. It’s also one of the more lucrative side-hustles you can start in 2022
If you can write eBooks, you can create and grow a digital publishing business.
Digital publishing is a business model built around creating and selling information products (eBooks, video and audio courses, membership sites, etc.).
It all starts with an eBook. And the key to writing eBooks is breaking the entire project down into small, manageable tasks.
That brings us to step #1…
Step #1 — Write Out a List of Topics
Productive people are masters of breaking big projects down into actionable tasks.
To get started, you have to do some brainstorming.
Think about what you’re already good at (or what you know a lot about). This could be something related to your job, your hobby, or your passion.
Once you have the overall topic of your book, get out a piece of paper (or your computer) and let the ideas start flowing. You can sort through what’s good and bad later on.
Start by listing out 12 topics.
These are going to be chapters of your book, so try to keep them related.
Step #2 — Find Your Subtopics
Once you’ve listed (at least) 12 topics that you could cover in your eBook, start breaking those 12 ideas out into “chunks.”
List out 4 subtopics under each of the 12 main topics that you listed. These subtopics are going to be the points that you cover in each chapter.
If you do the math (12 x 4), you get 48 pages. Add in an introduction and conclusion page and you get 50.
That’s all you need!
So, how do you break that down to get it finished in 10 days?
Step #3 — choose 5 Subtopics a Day
If you want to get this done in 10 days, choose 5 subtopics to write about each day.
Every day, go through your list of subtopics, and pick out 5 that you feel like writing about.
Keep each subtopic to 1 page.
This way you can choose what order to write the subtopics in. Whatever inspires you that day is what you’ll write about.
That’s literally all it takes to write a 50-page eBook!
If you want to write a 20-page eBook (i.e. a free report), then just write down a list of 5 topics and 5 sub-topics for each.
Feel free to play around with the numbers to create the length of eBook that you want.
Step #4 — Use A Publishing Tool
Okay Now that you’ve written your book, it’s time to make it look professional and convert it into an E-Book so that you can publish it.
One of the best tools for doing this is Sqribble, world’s #1 eBook Creator.
Sqribble offer hundreds of high quality templates you can choose from to publish your work and it’s so easy to use.
Through Sqribble, you can simply load in your word document and efficiently generate high-quality PDFs or eBooks within a 20- to 30-minute timeframe.
You can get access to free 7 day trial here.
Step #5 — Publish
Once your eBook’s ready for publication (yay!), the hard work is nearly over.
The next step to take when considering how best to monetize your eBook is to research which publishing platform you could make the most money on.
There’s quite a number of big E-Book publishing platform.
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is one of the most popular and has the largest audience.
There’s also Apple iBooks Author as well as Smashwords that are very popular and will help you sell your E-Book
Step #6 — Marketing
Just as it pays off to spend time writing your eBook to as high a standard as you can, it’s also worth putting a fair amount of your energy into marketing your eBook.
To make money from your work, it’s super important to get the word out there, and your eBook marketing needn’t cost you a penny.
Social media is a hugely powerful marketing tool, so it’s worth setting up professional accounts across major platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that will be focused on promoting your published eBook.
On top of this, it’s also worth making a website with your writing portfolio that links out to where to buy your eBook.
Plus, you could contact book clubs directly to see if they would be interested in reading your text at a discounted price.
E-Book Publishing just like many other online business ideas sound simple but it’s not an overnight SUCCESS.
Just like everything else in life you have to constantly work at it, be persistent and patient.
Luckily, we now have so many tools on the internet like Sqribble to help accelerate the process so you can focus on creating good content for your reader.
Great content that provide values goes a long way.
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