7 Ways to Attract More Money. Do you want to get more money? | by Ed S | Apr, 20227 Ways to Attract More Money. Do you want to get more money? | by Ed S | Apr, 2022

7 Ways to Attract More Money. Do you want to get more money? | by Ed S | Apr, 2022


Do you want to get more money?

When you’ve done all you thought you needed to do, you’re left wondering Why you haven’t attracted it.

What, after all, works best when it comes to generating additional cash?

For more than three decades, I’ve been researching the Law of Attraction. The Attractor Factor and The Key are two of the books I’ve written on it. That’s how I landed up in The Secret and on Larry King and Donny Deutsch’s television programs, among other things. I understand how the Law of Attraction works and why so many people are confused about it.

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, the majority of people are most interested in learning how to apply it to attract more money. They’ll then be puzzled as to how to attract romance, vehicles, houses, happiness, and everything else. For the most part, though, money is the beginning point.

So, how can you get extra cash?

There are seven methods to do it well when it comes to attracting anything, especially money. They are as follows:

It may seem counterintuitive, but the more you give, the more you get (unless you block the receiving, which ties into the next step). Give generously and honestly to the place where you found spiritual sustenance. Also, provide on a regular basis. The general rule is to give 10% of whatever you receive, but it’s also a good idea to give more if you’re feeling generous.

Remember to donate to the person, location, or organization that has nurtured your spirit. Simply ask yourself, “Where did I feel most inspired this week?” then contribute to that source. And, since the source will often vary, pose the question on a daily or weekly basis.

Here’s a well known fact: most people donate money with a tight hand. They aren’t generous. What’s to stop you? They’re terrified, that’s why. They’re clinging to life. Fear’s energy, on the other hand, will attract more things to fear. Instead, donate money with an open heart and the hope of receiving something in return. Give in the spirit of love.

Most individuals have underlying limiting ideas about money, such as “money is bad” or “wealthy people are nasty.” Those are just opinions, not facts. If you can get rid of them, money will come to you (as long as you also do the next step).

The “Missing Secret” to having the Law of Attraction work for you all of the time is becoming clear. After all, it’s your un-conscious counter-goals that emerge in your life, not your conscious intentions.

What occurred the following week if you established a goal on New Year’s Day to quit smoking or date more? Your conscious aim was sacrificed in favor of your unconscious notion that you couldn’t achieve it. Your aim was not in sync with your actions. You weren’t quite “clear.”

Most likely, you have restricting thoughts about money in your subconscious mind, such as –

a. “Money is the root of all evil.”

“Money attracts difficulties.” b.

b. “Money will turn me into a selfish person.”

c. “It’s greedy to want money.”

“Rich folks are snobs,” for example.

Do you honestly believe you’ll attract money if you hold one or more of those limiting beliefs? In reality, you’ll attract the lack of money.

Why? Your unconscious counter-intention (“Money is evil”) will override your cognitive intention (“I now attract more money into my life”).

Is it any surprise that some individuals believe The Secret or the Law of Attraction is a hoax? Obviously, once those hidden blocks/beliefs to your success are removed, your success will be unstoppable. The stumbling barriers are no longer present.

In my new audio program, “The Missing Secret,” I discuss how to become clear. Right now, one thing you can do is just challenge your views. Become a belief investigator and search for limiting money beliefs. You will attract more money if you free your inner obstacles.

Too many individuals sit about waiting for money to appear in their lives. I believe in miracles and magic, but I also think that your part in attracting money is to really do something to attract it. Take action on your ideas. Now. My favorite slogan is “Money loves speed.”

If you don’t act now, your concept will eventually be realized in a shop, and someone else will profit from it. What can you do right now, today, to start working on something that will bring in more money? Whatever it is, make it happen.

When you question and second-guess yourself instead of taking action, you’re displaying that you’re still unsure about money and your right to attract it (see second advice above). Act today to get wealthy.

Most individuals refuse to accept money because they do not believe they are deserving. One approach to get around this (while still working on being clear within yourself) is to want money for a greater good. To eradicate homelessness, I founded Operation YES. Raising hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more) for that purpose will help me overcome any remaining financial barriers. While I will not be paid by Operation YES, my efforts on its behalf will bring money to me in other ways, such as the relationships and goodwill I will develop.

In other words, you should desire money for a cause other than your own ego. This is a lovely method to attract extra money without it being just for your own benefit. Recognize that prosperity allows you to better aid your family, friends, community, and even the globe. The benefit it can do for others, not just you, is an excellent motivation to attract more money. Consider what cause you would support (or maybe start) if you had more money.

Creating or joining a master mind group dedicated to your objective is one of the smartest things you can do to accomplish it. This is why I co-wrote Meet and Grow Rich with Bill Hibbler: to educate you how to form a support group.

The goal is to be surrounded by individuals who can help you maintain a high level of energy and inspiration. While you can achieve progress on your own, it is much simpler with help.

Audiotapes, books, and other learning aids may all be used to provide help. I’ve been purchasing Nightingale-Conant audios for over thirty years because they help me keep focused on always expanding and improving. I went to the library and borrowed books and recordings to keep myself educated and encouraged, even while I was suffering. I can now afford to purchase my own supplies, but only because I invested in my education at every stage.

I produced “The Missing Secret” audio collection to assist people learn how to use the Law of Attraction in their daily lives. All of this is meant to assist you in attracting more money.

This is enormous. Be grateful for what you have, which is undoubtedly actual riches to those starving in third-world nations, and you’ll start to attract more. Gratitude sends out a signal of gratitude, which attracts additional things to be grateful for. Begin with anything you have right now for which you may be thankful.

I started this practice by holding a pencil and being thankful for it when I was homeless and still suffering hardship. When I actually felt appreciation, it transformed my energy vibe, allowing me to have more things to be thankful for. I’m grateful for a lot of things now, from homes to vehicles to rare guitars, but it all started with a pencil.

Take a look around and consider what you are thankful for right now. Then immerse yourself in that sensation.

Working at something you despise is pointless. If you’re working in a job you don’t like right now, find a method to enjoy it for the time you’re there while working toward your dream career. When it comes to generating riches, following your passion is the most important secret of all.

Passion (coupled with the other stages above) is your route to financial independence, according to everyone from Donny Deutsch to Donald Trump to Bill Gates to little old me. Even when I was working for oil firms in Houston and didn’t enjoy what I was doing, I found methods to pursue what I really wanted to do. During my lunch break, I started writing my first novel. On weekends, I gave talks and sold books at the back of the room. Doing what I like become my life over time. And now, it’s a daily amazement for me.

Consider what you would do if you were never paid again. That’s a hint as to what you should be doing, as well as how to be compensated for it. Love might help you attract more money.

Finally, be prepared for success.

Expecting to attract money and gazing around with a humorous question like “I wonder how much money will come to me today?” can keep your brain tuned on to search out and locate chances. When you notice them, you must, of course, take bold action.

Take a chance!


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