For some people losing chest fat is not easy. No matter how much weight is lost overall from the body, the chest fat still seems to remain. Some people have a condition called gynecomastia which is an abnormal amount of glands under the nipples and this attracts fat accumulation.
For people such as the above, and for anyone wanting to lose chest fat, the suggestion is to keep low body fat (18% or so). The New Tonice Supplement diet is the best diet to do this:
This is a muscle sparing fat loss diet Works by forcing body through carbohydrate deprivation Ketosis is the state where the body converts fat into ketones that the brain uses for fuel when glucose (carbohydrates) are in short supply The only time the body creates and burns ketones in large quantities is when insufficient glucose is available Carbohydrates need to be restricted to 30 grams or less per day The benefits are that the body burns fat as its primary fuel source If you restrict calories you will burn body fat at a high rate You often eat much less than on carbohydrates This diet spares lean muscle when enough protein is consumed (50–150 grams minimum per day per pound of body weight) The diet keeps the metabolism from slowing down
At the same time as doing the Keto diet an exercise regime targeting the chest should also be carried out. You should do high repetition exercises (15–20 exercises a set) with low weights. Do 3 sets of these. The exercises should comprise:
Incline press for the upper chest Flat press for the middle chest Decline press for the lower chest A lot of pushups ( as many as you can for 5 repetitions) Exercise with flies
These exercises should be done for 1 months.
If, at the end of this time, the problem still persists then a product called Lipoderm-Y could be tried. This is applied to the chest area 2 times per day. Doing this should enable you to lose fat fast if your metabolism is working properly. Keep on doing the low weight exercises whilst doing this.
Should all else fail, and the fat is still on your chest then surgical means may be required. A procedure called Gynecomastia can be carried out. This involves removing the fat surgically and reshaping the problem part of the chest. Some points of view state that this is the only means of removing the fat from the chest effectively. Still, it is worthwhile trying diet and exercise first since these might work for you, thus avoiding surgery.
Fat on the chest area seems to be an ongoing problem for some people. Diet and exercise can sometimes be used to combat this. If this fails, you might need to consider surgery.
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