Couple shed more than seven stone between after wake-up call following crashCouple shed more than seven stone between after wake-up call following crash

Couple shed more than seven stone between after wake-up call following crash


Andre Thompson lost 4st 9lbs and his wife Ruth, lost 3st 7lbs, within 9 months of joining Slimming World – they both joined to tackle their health issues that crept in after a car crash

Andre's weight is now down to 11st 7lbs and Ruth hit her target weight of 8st 13lbs in March 2020
Andre’s weight is now down to 11st 7lbs and Ruth hit her target weight of 8st 13lbs in March 2020

A married couple have shed more than seven stone between them after getting a wake-up call from the doctor following a car crash.

Andre Thompson from Southport, lost 4st 9lbs and his wife Ruth, lost 3st 7lbs, within nine months of joining Slimming World.

Andre, 59, wanted to change his lifestyle after being diagnosed with a number of different health conditions, leaving Ruth worried.

He told the LiverpoolECHO : “I had high blood pressure to start with and I’d been diagnosed with bronchitis which is a form of COPD, so my breathing was bad and I was prone to a lot of chest infections.

Ruth and Andre Thompson from Southport, lost seven and a half stone between them in the space of 9 months



“I was backwards and forwards to the GP, so I was having more and more tests and in the end, they said I was pre-diabetic.

“Then they were saying ‘your cholesterol levels are very high’ and I also got told I had a fatty liver, so all my lifestyle was going the wrong way and Ruth was getting really worried about it.”

Andre said “the penny dropped” when he spoke to other men about their weight loss at a Slimming World session.

Andre found speaking to other men about their weightloss helped when he joined Slimming World


Southport Visiter)

His weight is now down to 11st 7lbs and has gone from a 38inch waist to a 30-32.

Ruth, 59, said her weight had “crept on” over the years and she decided to lost weight in June 2019 for her stepson Ashley’s wedding.

She went from 12st 7lbs to hitting her target weight of 8st 13lbs in March 2020, just before the first Covid-19 lockdown.

Ruth said: “For me and Andre, our life now has been very much together since 2009 because we were in a car crash that was quite bad.

Andre Thompson was diagnosed with bronchitis which is a form of COPD


Southport Visiter)

“Andre was quite badly injured in that and he had to give up work as a result of it, so to have focus and to get back out and socialise for us was a difficult thing to do.

“We found that Slimming World helped us that way. We’ve made friends in this group as well as the lifestyle choice, it’s become a group that’s like a family.”

Speaking of the impact his weight loss has had on his physical health Andre said: “I went in for a test and the doctor said ‘my god that’s amazing.’ He said you’re not even pre-diabetic anymore.”

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Dr Jacquie Lavin, Head of Nutrition and Research at Slimming World, said: “The power of the group and the peer support members give one another is what sets Slimming World apart.

“Our members become part of a community, something special, which helps them to realise that they are not alone in the challenges they face.

“That’s combined with our personalised approach – called IMAGE Therapy – which helps every member discover more about themselves as a slimmer, identify their own pitfalls and danger zones, and create plans to overcome them.

“As well as following our healthy eating plan and becoming more active, members are encouraged to dig deep into what motivates them, and to set realistic weekly goals to help them achieve their weight loss target.’”

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