Police dog Olly helps restore power to care home after youths steal master breakerPolice dog Olly helps restore power to care home after youths steal master breaker

Police dog Olly helps restore power to care home after youths steal master breaker


A police dog named Olly charged into action after youths stole the main circuit breaker from a care home’s electricity system – leaving residents with no power.

Mersey Police Dogs tweeted at 11.44pm yesterday (Wednesday) that the small device, which controls the main source of electricity coming into a property via the circuit breaker box or panel, had been removed. Pulling it out shuts off all power.

The force said: “Earlier some youths thought it would be funny to steal the master breaker from a care home, leaving the vulnerable residents with no electricity.

“Luckily PD Olly was there to quickly find the master breaker which had been thrown into a nearby yard. Residents are warm and safe.”

The police did not specify the care home or the area in which the incident took place.

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