Sell your Digital artwork online. | by Artiskind | Dec, 2021Sell your Digital artwork online. | by Artiskind | Dec, 2021

Sell your Digital artwork online. | by Artiskind | Dec, 2021



Many designers and artists are becoming increasingly interested in selling artwork to earn passive income in the form of digital products or resources. Even if royalty free image libraries for example, have been around for along time. However, times have changed since then. Artists now have more control over their work and how it is sold.
and because selling Digital products or artwork still in its early stages, it can be difficult to find useful information for a passive income.

so I decided to do my homework. and write about some steps and benefits of selling Digital products.
the nice thing about selling Digital products, you can easily create products for any niche or audience., you’re never limited to how many products can sell, plus you don’t have to worry about the logistics, packaging and shipping… there are many artists selling their designs and digital products in different online marketplaces like Design Crowd, Society6

and because it is easy to start selling Digital products. the competition can be tough.
you should know that starting a digital business is significantly less expensive than starting a physical business.You don’t have to pay for a building, product development, or warehouse space.Many digital businesses began with a small amount of money: just enough to build a website.

society6 is one of the solid websites for artists who want to make some profit. pays you 10% of the products you sell, except for art prints, canvas prints, and framed prints. Those products allow you to make more by setting your own custom markup. There is no monthly fee, it’s free and easy to use, and they reward artists competitively.


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