Adam Allan BSA — Who is He? And Why Should We Care? | by Coal Porter | Jan, 2022Adam Allan BSA — Who is He? And Why Should We Care? | by Coal Porter | Jan, 2022

Adam Allan BSA — Who is He? And Why Should We Care? | by Coal Porter | Jan, 2022


Coal Porter

Two valid questions. But only one worth considering. I’ll explain Why shortly.

But first, for those medium readers who have no idea who this guy is, Adam Allan is a (new to me) Author who has been posting here for the past year.

Ocassionally He’s been sharing excerpts from his forthcoming book –Shock The Monkey. Like this one.

To say that Mr. Allan’s take on life is “unconventional” is a gross understatement.

For example: He shreds the self-help gurus in “The Myth of Self-Awareness.

He explains why belief is dangerous In “Belief — Dangerous Fairytale.

He even has some “wake up and smell the coffee” words for Pope Francis in “The Shocked Pope.” Proving beyond the hint of a shadow of a doubt that for him -no cow is sacred.

And that is exactly why we should “care” about Adam Allan. Because he is presenting radically new points of view. Ecouraging us to think about our lives and actions from a different perspective. Thus giving us the chance to “see the person behind the person in the mirror.”

Bottom Line: “Who” Adam Allan is — is irrelevant. What he has to say is more than worthy of our attention.

To reverse a song lyric you’re all familiar with: “It’s the Song — not the Singer.” (Apologies to Mick Jagger.)


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