Advice for your garden as colder weather arrivesAdvice for your garden as colder weather arrives

Advice for your garden as colder weather arrives


BANGOR, Maine (WABI) – It may still be warm during the day – but our nights are starting to get much colder and that isn’t a trend that will be going away any time soon.

That means it’s time to give your garden a little attention.

We caught up with the experts out at Sprague’s Nursery in Bangor, who said that frost isn’t far off in this part of the state.

They advise picking anything that could be impacted by those cold night temperatures and taking steps to protect what you’ve grown.

“We’re telling people to cover with a remained fabric, you can use an old bed sheet just as long as it’s not plastic on nights where we think it’s going to frost that can extend your season beyond frost, as long as the foliage isn’t touched by the frost itself, they can continue to grow quite happily for an extended period of time,” said Melissa Higgins, who added that when dealing with perennials – when the foliage starts to yellow – it’s probably time to think about putting them to bed for the winter.

She suggests pumpkins or mums for anyone trying to keep some color in the garden through the fall.

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