Amazon requires testing for illegal weight loss, sexual enhancement ingredientsAmazon requires testing for illegal weight loss, sexual enhancement ingredients

Amazon requires testing for illegal weight loss, sexual enhancement ingredients


The online retail giant put out the first iteration of the requirements near the end of last year.​  While Amazon has not responded directly to questions about the reasons for this, it appeared to be in response to criticisms that many of the dietary supplements sold on the site were of poor quality or contained questionable ingredients.

The latest update of the specifications​ includes a section directed at sexual enhancement and weight management products, two of the categories specifically identified as problematical by the US Food and Drug Administration (with a third being products aimed at muscle building).

Amazon will now require products in these categories to have test results that prove that they are free from specific adulterants, depending on the category.

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For sexual enhancement products, Amazon now requires ‘free from’ evidence for the following adulterants, all of which are analogs of prescription erectile dysfunction drugs:

For weight management products, the list contains a former weight loss drug and its analog as well as a laxative ingredient and an antidepressant:

Labs must have specific certifications

The tests verifying the absence of these compounds must be done annually, the specifications state.

In addition to the callouts concerning illegal weight management and sexual enhancement ingredients, the retail giant also strengthened some of the language covering Certificates of Analysis.  Amazon now requires the testing to be done by labs with ISO certifications for specific tests, not a lab claiming merely to be ‘ISO certified.’


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