Ayrshire care home is given time to make improvementsAyrshire care home is given time to make improvements

Ayrshire care home is given time to make improvements


An Ayrshire care home has been told to make improvements to aspects of the care it provides following an unannounced inspection from the Care Inspectorate.

Bosses at Glenfairn House Nursing Home, in Ayr’s Racecourse Road, have been given a deadline of December 3 to improve activities and create more ‘focussed’ personal plans for residents.

The news follows an unannounced inspection by the Care Inspectorate who said that, despite ‘some strengths’, there were ‘weaknesses’ at the home which needed ‘improvement.’

As a result the care home was graded ‘adequate’ in two quality indicators.

Glenfairn House Nursing Home is registered to provide a care home service to 65 older people.

The provider is Gate Healthcare Ltd, which is part of Sanctuary Care Limited.

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At the time of the inspection, there were 54 people being supported.

According to the Care Inspectorate, officers observed “little attempt” to engage people in activities and people “sitting sleeping in lounge areas.”

The report states: “Care staff told us they didn’t have time to offer any meaningful activity as their time is taken up by providing direct care and support.

“This resulted in poor outcomes for people who spent large amounts of time on their own.”

The lunchtime experience was also found to be “uncoordinated” and “not as pleasurable” as it could be.

The report said: “Staff appeared under pressure. It was difficult for them to monitor accurately what people’s nutritional intake was or provide support at a pace that suited those who required assistance with meals. This posed a potential for poor dietary intake for some people.”

Personal plans for residents were also placed under the microscope.

The Care Inspectorate said: “We found that some plans contained good personal details; however, there was inconsistency with personal planning with key information and health care plans not in place for some people.

“We saw some evidence of people’s wishes recorded should their health decline, but concluded that these could be improved to ensure that people’s wishes are known and respected as their health deteriorates in the final stages of their illness.”

The scrutiny body spoke with families of residents — and residents themselves.

They were told that staff are “loving and caring,” they treat them “like family” but communication regarding laundry and clothing “could be better.”

In terms of infection control practices the Care Inspectorate saw improvements from a previous inspection.

An extract from their report said: “We evaluated how well infection control practices supported a safe environment for people experiencing care and staff. We concluded that there were several important strengths, which taken together, outweighed areas for improvement.

“And we were encouraged to see that improvements made at a previous inspection had been maintained and improved further.”

Inspectors also noted “good levels of cleanliness” throughout the home and the environment was “fresh.”

Among the requirements to be in place by December 3, bosses must ensure residents have an “outcome focussed” personal plan that reflects their current “health, care and support needs” and to ensure the provision of activities.

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