The call has gone out for volunteers to help Nick Knowles and his DIY SOS team as filming is about to start in Bristol for a revamp of an adventure playground.
The Southmead Adventure Playground in Doncaster Road has fallen into disrepair and the Big Build team will be undertaking a major project for ten days starting on Tuesday (October 19).
Companies and tradespeople will be offering their services for free to help the community project. And those who sign up, have to follow a strict set of rules surrounding publicity.
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The BBC, which is taxpayer funded, has to be very careful with advertising and commercial issues.
Ultimately, the DIY SOS team hope that people consider helping the family out of a desperate situation as reward enough.
Here’s what it tells traders and craftspeople thinking of helping the Southmead project.
We invite all our tradespeople and suppliers to the Big Reveal, when the charity returns to the completed build.
There will be an opportunity on this day to take photographs with Nick and the team against one of the DIY SOS vans.
You will be able to use these photos for internal communications and on social media, and are able to write about your involvement in the project on your website and social media pages, as per our editorial policy below.
BBC Editorial Policy
Due to the BBC’s independent and licence-fee funded status, the BBC must never endorse or appear to endorse any organisation, its products, activities or services. Its name and that of the programme DIY SOS: The Big Build, cannot be used to endorse any products or services used on the show, for any commercial purpose including promotions or publicity.
As we cannot give undue prominence to any commercial products or services, on screen or online, we are unable to guarantee which footage will be included in the final programme, or promise that we will verbally refer to or visually feature any products, services, trade or brand names in the programme. We are also unable to list any trades or suppliers in the end credits of the programme.

(Image: WalesOnline/ Gayle Marsh)
You must not refer to the BBC’s use of your products or services in any advertising or promotion, or give the impression that your products or services are in any way endorsed by the BBC.
This means that you cannot use the BBC or the DIY SOS logos on your website or social media, or link to any clips/excerpts of the programme on websites such as YouTube.
We also request that you do not post or publish any photographs of the house, either before or after the build, until after the programme has aired, or use photographs of the DIY SOS team on your website.

(Image: BBC)
You are however, able to write about your involvement on your website and social media. This should be in the context of donating products and services to help a deserving family who featured on the programme, and not about your products or services appearing on television. For example you can use the following:
“X donated (X product) to a deserving family from X, featured on the BBC One series ‘DIY SOS: The Big Build’. (X product) was used as part of a life changing transformation to their home.”
If you provided labour or a service, this sentence can be adapted to:
“X donated X (for example the services of 5 electricians who provided 9 days free labour) to a deserving family from X, featured on the BBC One series ‘DIY SOS: The Big Build’ to help transform their home.”
You are free to write a longer blog piece, but this should not appear on the homepage of your website, as this could be seen as an endorsement by the BBC. I apologise for all the restrictions however there are certain things your company can do within the guidelines, and if your contribution is deemed by the programme makers to be an integral part of the build and the story, it is highly likely to be included in the programme.
Ultimately, I really hope that you will consider helping the charity as reward enough. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or clarification. Kind Regards, DIYSOS.
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