An Ayrshire care at home service has been given an upgraded approval rating after improvements were made to the way it operates.
TLC (Scotland), Housing Support Service, based in Prestwick Main Street, was previously rated ‘weak’ in two quality indicators by the Care Inspectorate.
However, the service provider has since been handed an updated rating of ‘good’ in terms of its support for people’s wellbeing.
TLC (Scotland) is registered to provide a service to adults and people with assessed support needs living in their own homes and the community.
At the time of the inspection, the service covered areas across North and South Ayrshire and they supported around 210 people.
An extract from the latest Care Inspectorate report said: “At our last inspection, we made a requirement about care plans and risk assessments.
“Following improvement, the provider has now met the requirement.”
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This resulted in a ‘good’ rating being awarded to the provider.
The Care Inspectorate also made a requirement for improvement of the service’s care plans and risk assessments.
The scrutiny body asked them to ensure that care plans contained “accurate, up to date information” which directs staff about how to meet people’s healthcare and support, information regarding medication that “directs and guides staff” on how to provide support and “detailed six monthly care reviews” which reflected “people’s care needs and preferences.”
The Care Inspectorate said those improvements had been met “within timescales.”
Another requirement was for the provider to ensure people experienced a service with “well trained and competent” staff.
The scrutiny body noted that this too had been fulfilled, although they did request future improvements surrounding “staff supervision” and “observation of practice.”
The report said: “There was a comprehensive training plan and training matrix in place.
“All new staff had undertaken induction training which included infection prevention and control including Covid-19, the correct use of personal protective equipment, hand hygiene, medication administration and moving and assisting.”
The report adds: “During the inspection, we telephoned eight people experiencing care and their relatives.
“Feedback about the quality of the service and staff was very positive.”
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