Care home resident, 95, gets chance to relive job as Rolls-Royce chauffeurCare home resident, 95, gets chance to relive job as Rolls-Royce chauffeur

Care home resident, 95, gets chance to relive job as Rolls-Royce chauffeur



95-year-old care home resident was delighted after being given the chance to relive his former life as a chauffeur in his favourite car.

Alec Goy, who lives at Care UK’s Weald Heights in Sevenoaks Kent was surprised when staff arranged for the visit of a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow after discovering he worked as a chauffeur driver in the 1950s.

Mr Goy spent the day learning about the history of the vehicle from the owner, and gave a ride around the local area to a lucky fellow resident, Eve

And ever the gent, he even helped Eve out of the back seat.

Alec Goy helping fellow resident Eve out of the Rolls Royce (Care UK’s Weald Heights/PA).

Mr Goy, who also served as a sailor during the Second World War, said he was “so happy” to see the car roll up outside the home.

“It was great to be back behind the wheel of such a beautiful car and to have the opportunity to wear my chauffeur hat again. I loved it!” he said

We were delighted to reunite Alec with his favourite car, a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow

Maria Covington, the home’s manager, said Mr Goy’s carers were “delighted” to reunite him with his favourite car.


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