The council has successfully bid for over £343,000 to improve the insulation of a further 28 council homes in the city and help reduce tenants’ fuel bills.
The funding comes from the Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF), and the council’s contribution will invest £250,000 from its own Housing Revenue Account to fund the energy efficiency works. To date, the council has secured a total £5.68m funding to install energy efficiency measures across privately owned and rented and social rented homes in York.
Council homes in Acomb and Tang Hall have already been identified for the insulation works. The works will be undertaken to improve the warmth and comfort of 28 bungalows and semi-detached houses. All of these homes are more difficult to insulate due to their construction method. As such, a combination of underfloor and external wall insulation will be used to help keep the warmth within the homes, making them much more affordable to heat. This will help to tackle fuel poverty at a time of rising energy costs.
Tenders for the work will be published in the new financial year and work is planned to begin this summer.
Cllr Denise Craghill, Executive Member for Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods, said:
This much-needed funding is a welcome contribution to our commitment to improve the insulation and standard of our council homes, and supports our ambition to be a zero-carbon council by 2030.
“Besides reducing carbon emissions, it means present and future tenants will be more easily able to afford a warmer, healthier home.”
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