District councils to determine crossing plans for Gilston Garden NeighbourhoodDistrict councils to determine crossing plans for Gilston Garden Neighbourhood

District councils to determine crossing plans for Gilston Garden Neighbourhood


Controversial bridges to connect 10,000 new homes for the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT) are set to be approved by East Herts Council.

The authority’s development management committee will determine three applications at a meeting on Tuesday, November 16 as part of a parallel process with Harlow District Council.

The enhancements and widening of the existing Eastwick (A414)/Fifth Avenue Crossing over the Stort Valley, known as the Central Stort Crossing or CSC, will link Harlow to new communities at Gilston.

Application site and district boundaries (52867548)
Application site and district boundaries (52867548)

There will also be a new vehicular, pedestrian and cycle link to the east of the existing crossing (the Eastern Stort Crossing or ESC) and a further application for listed building consent for works to Fiddlers’ Brook Bridge.

The Eastwick junction is in East Herts while the majority of the bridge structures lie within the Harlow administrative area.

In January 2017 the Ministry for Homes, Communities and Local Government designated the Harlow and Gilston Area as a Garden Town.

Harlow Garden Town vision (52867550)
Harlow Garden Town vision (52867550)

All three applications under reconsideration this month have been submitted by Places for People Ltd, which is also behind plans for 8,500 new homes in six villages, known as Gilston Park Estate.

A separate outline application has been submitted for a seventh village of 1,500 homes on land now owned by Taylor Wimpey North Thames. Together they will make up the Gilston Garden Neighbourhood. Ultimately the HGGT will add f 24,000 new homes across four new neighbourhoods,

The Hunsdon, Eastwick and Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group has submitted a raft of objections to the access plans, criticising the sustainability of the pedestrian, cycling and public transport provision.

Members said: “The scheme needs to be redesigned to be landscape-led with a comprehensive reliable pedestrian and cycling permeability.”

Visualisations of the Gilston Park estate. (52867556)
Visualisations of the Gilston Park estate. (52867556)

In all, 108 objectors have recorded their concerns, including noise and air quality impacts and the effect on wildlife in and around the River Stort and areas of special scientific interest at Hunsdon Meads and Rye Meads.

They will get a chance to persuade the committee to reject the officers’ recommendations for approval on November 16.

The meeting will commence at 5.30pm at East Herts Council’s office in Wallfields, Hertford, and it will also be live-streamed on the authority’s website.

Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (52867559)
Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (52867559)

Residents and others who have previously commented on the plans will be able to register to speak and seating in the public gallery will be prioritised for those participants.

There will be a six-minute total time limit for submissions. Register at https://www.eastherts.gov.uk/councillors-and-committees/public-speaking-development-management-meetings

Harlow councillors will look at the applications on Wednesday, November 17, from 7pm.


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