Documenting My Learning Process. Committing to something is always… | by Alvin Wanjala | Sep, 2021Documenting My Learning Process. Committing to something is always… | by Alvin Wanjala | Sep, 2021

Documenting My Learning Process. Committing to something is always… | by Alvin Wanjala | Sep, 2021


Alvin Wanjala
Image Credits: Georgie Combs / Unsplash

Committing to something is always tough for me to pull off. Maybe, I’m alone in this but, certainly, that can’t be true. For instance, I’ve been planning to share my journey as I learn about different things online.

Today is the day I finally stop planning and start doing it — or at least let it out, so I push myself to do it.

It’s been a minute since I opened a blank page and blacked out on what I should pen down. They call it Writer’s Block, something that’s commonplace to every writer I’ve ever met. But writer’s block is not so familiar to me.

Yes, I do write on the web but not this kind of writing. I’m a technical person, and the technical stuff doesn’t require an unnecessary introduction. Plus, you always have an idea of something before opening a blank page. And when you do, you can pour out at least a couple of dozen words right off the bat.

But let’s talk about something else today — learning something new. Learning requires hard work. You have to give it time and everything else you’ve got. And if you want to be, hypothetically, perfect at something, the more you need to invest as dictated by the 10,000-hour rule.

The biggest thing about learning is it’s a marathon and not a sprint. So, consistency matters.

In his podcast episode on “Mastering Anything,” Alex Lieberman, co-founder, and CEO of Morning Brew, shares four key steps of, you guessed it, mastering anything.

The four steps include Curation, Consumption, Reflection, and Creation.

I’ve been procrastinating on learning web development for quite some time. And it’s finally time. I have to do it. There’s no way around it. But this time, I want to have some accountability. I’ll be using this space as a way to do self-reflection (step 3 in Lieberman’s four-step process) and creation.

I’ll be sharing my journey online every day to ensure I stick to it no matter what happens.

Today is day one, and over the next days, weeks, and months, I’ll be providing updates on what I’m doing to achieve my goal in web development and other aspects of my life.

Cheers to a humble start that hopefully leads to many more amazing things.


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