No buddy will help you out of your challenges unless you decide to change and take control of your own life decisions. This is my day #12 of 30 days writing challenge by Oren Cohen. The prompt was to write about an important life lesson.

My life alone has been a lesson for me, sometimes it inspires me and makes me strong, and other times it makes me think and wish that I could have done better.
All I know is that while I am still alive I have a chance to change my life around and become the person I always dreamed of becoming.
I have learned that in life don’t expect people to love you the same way you love them, because anytime you can be disappointed when you don’t reach your expectations.
Love with your whole heart and don’t expect anything in return, be truthful to yourself to avoid disappointments and heartbreaks. Don’t depend too much on people otherwise, your life will be full of stress.
No matter how hard you try or work, there will be someone who always discourages you or people who are unappreciative of your efforts.
Whether it’s home, your family members, siblings, or at work, your boss, your co-workers, you will always have someone who does not like what you do. That is not because you did not do well, but because their minds are not developed enough to see other people’s worth.
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