A global shortage in raw materials is affecting more and more sectors in France, with major retailers, particularly furniture shops, DIY shops and toy shops, complaining that some of their items are out of stock.
Swedish furniture giant Ikea admits that 10% of its products are unavailable, BFMTV reported.
“Like many retailers, we face ongoing challenges with our supply chains due to Covid, labour shortages, transportation, and sourcing of raw materials,” a spokesperson for the group in the UK said.
In France, mirrors, shelves, sofas, chairs, mattresses, kitchens and other small items are missing from the 34 shops around the country.
“I’m missing equipment to assemble a kitchen, it’s a bit complicated,” one customer told France 2.
Another said that Ikea estimates delivery times to be “two to three months”.
Ikea France would not comment on these shortages, for fear of creating a panic effect that could accentuate the problem.
Construction sites in France have been experiencing delays since the beginning of the year due to the shortage of steel and wood.
One reason for this lack of raw materials is China’s economic recovery, with the country stocking up on aluminium, copper and steel, according to LSA, a French trade and retail magazine.
There has also been an increase in demand for home furnishings among French households, especially during lockdowns in 2020 and earlier this year.
This imbalance in supply and demand could push up prices, LSA reported.
It could also affect electronic devices. Apple and Samsung factories have slowed production due to a lack of certain electronic chips essential to manufacture smartphones.
There has also been a shortage in stock in DIY shops and toy shops in France, France 2 reported.
This may lead to a shortage of certain toys in the run up to Christmas this year, or an increase in prices.
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