Garden City Runners back to grass and mud of cross-countryGarden City Runners back to grass and mud of cross-country

Garden City Runners back to grass and mud of cross-country


Garden City Runners got themselves fully reacquainted with cross-country with the return of the Sunday XC League.

It has been almost two years since they have felt the grass, and very often mud, under their feet, but round one took them to Cheshunt.

Organised by Broxbourne Runners, with marshalling support from GCR, the course was an undulating one completely off-road.

There are still plenty pounding the beat on the tarmac though with half marathons in the varsity cities of Oxford and Cambridge providing attraction for many from the club.

In Oxford, Zoe Stephens ran a PB of one hour 31 minutes 13 seconds to finish 29th woman overall while Caroline O’Dwyer clocked in at 2:31:07.

There were bigger numbers further east in Cambridge where Helen Stafford (1:45:46), Steve Williams (1:46:03), Ali Riza Eroglu (1:47:45), Vicky Dodman (1:52:01), Rebecca Cullers (2:01:29) and Carol Reid (2:07:14) all took part.

Jean Cole went even further afield to take on a marathon, finishing in six hours 24 minutes across the Channel in Paris.


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