Eight out of ten women in the age bracket 25–45 have cellulite. Cellulite in simple words is just plain old fat, and gives that orange peel effect on thighs and tyres on tummy the key to minimizing it is to drop the kilos
But how you loose those kilos matters: crash dieting can actually make cellulite worse by reducing the skins elasticity, making more of those little puckers noticeable. Gradual weight loss (to better preserve skin’s suppleness and reduce fat) accompanied by targeted muscle development, which firms and smoothes underlying tissue, is the most effective cellulite solution
You must have seen people who can eat anything under the sun but are able to keep the kilos away while some eat measured amounts of food but can’t avoid those piling kilos
Metabolism is what the game is all about and healthy metabolism helps you loose weight faster! The body processes nutrients to grow, develop and maintain, all this requires energy and calories are burnt for the purpose. This is metabolism in short
A sluggish metabolism can mean problems ranging from slow growth to mental lethargy, obesity and even lack interest in routine activities. If that sounds too sad worry not, Metabolism can be boosted through exercise and through food. Here are few tips you could use
Get Fibre
Stock up on wholegrain vegetable and fruits .Unlike refined foods which get easily digested, your body has to work hard to break down and digest fibre. In the process it uses up extra energy and this is Why fruits and vegetables, particularly raw ones, help boost metabolism
Drink more water
Stay well hydrated keeps you energised and helps metabolism
Add dairy or vegan sources of calcium
Besides helping maintain bone mass, calcium rich products may be exactly what you need to crank up your metabolism and lose tummy fat. The magic ingredient is calcium which serves as a switch that tell you body’s cells to burn fat faster
Go for proteins
Dieters who consumes 30% of their calories from proteins preserved their muscles while trying to loose weight while the ones who did not have proteins their muscles were broken down by the body to get the daily requirement
Sip on green tea
A Japanese study found that people who drank green tea daily lost 2–4 kilos after 3 months. Without altering their diet. Green tea contain catechins, which may trigger weight loss by increasing your body’s metabolism it’s a good substitute when you have those typical cravings
Tips to boost metabolism
Have breakfast
Stick to the right fats avoid saturates
Exercise regularly
Have frequent small meals and don’t starve your self
Spice up your meals Capsaicin, found in chillies is a metabolism booster.
Food that fights fats, a must include in daily meals
Oatmeal, Vegetable/Fruit juice, Nuts, Fat free or Skim milk, Green tea
Eat sensible and have adequate calories per day never going lower than 1200cal. Small changes can make a big difference. One extra biscuit a week can lead you to gain 5lb a year — cut that biscuit out of your diet and you’ll lose the same amount.
Don’t rush yourself to loose weight , ideal weight loss is 500–800gms per week so pick up your shoes and fasten your lasses it time to workout…sweat it out get going. I assure you if you are patient and mindful you will reap long term weight loss,sustainable. you will not get into the yo-yo mode ever again.
To Know your BMI (basal metabolic index) for free just Log on www.livingsmart.in Check whether you are in the healthy range. Good luck!
For more information on weight loss wats app +61 416528547. Above information is in good faith however for any diseased condition please consult physician
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