The overall rating of a Gloucestershire care home has improved from ‘ inadequate ‘ to ‘requires improvement’, after a recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection. Stinchcombe Manor, in Dursley, received it’s updated rating following an inspection on 6 December, 2021.
The new report, published on February 4, saw the care home judged as ‘requires improvement’ in terms of ‘safety’ and being ‘well-led’ – these two categories had previously been ranked ‘inadequate’. As well as these improvements, it maintained it’s ‘good’ status for the ‘effective’, ‘caring’ and ‘responsive’ brackets.
The care home was approached for comment but did not want to say anything about the updated inspection. The CQC has confirmed that all of the information in the report is correct and up-to-date. The summary of the most recent inspection said: “The provider had made improvements to the service. However, further improvement was needed as not all requirements of the warning notices had been met.
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“There had been a reduction in incidents and accidents involving people at the service, however, further improvement was needed to ensure people received a safe service. The provider had invested in new systems to assist them in monitoring and improving the service for people.
“These were in the early stages of implementation and were not always operated effectively, as they were not yet fully established. Hence, we found shortfalls in management of some environmental and equipment related risks which had not been identified by the provider.
“The provider acted immediately by arranging contractors to carry out assessments of the environmental risk management shortfalls we identified during the inspection. Where areas for improvement had been identified by the provider, effective and timely action to manage risks and improve the service was not always taken.
“Accidents and incidents people experienced were reviewed to ensure any new or escalating risks to them were identified and acted upon in a timely way to protect them from further harm. However, managers had not ensured all staff responsible for reviewing people’s risks continued to update relevant records to ensure risk management plans remained effective.
“This meant people were at risk of harm, as staff referring to these documents, including agency staff, may not always have complete and accurate information about the support people needed to keep them safe. The service had made improvements to their processes and guidance to protect people from the risks of COVID-19.
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“However, the service had yet to implement ‘Essential Caregiver’ status for people’s close friends or relatives, in line with national guidance. The registered manager and provider had notified CQC and other agencies of incidents as required.
“We saw staff interacting kindly and patiently with people. Staff demonstrated understanding of people’s emotional and physical support needs. Staff told us they felt more supported and said the service had improved since our last inspection.
“A staff member said they had not previously understood some risks to people as important information had not always been communicated. Further to this, they told us there had been, ‘Real improvement in support and direction’ from the registered manager and their deputy.”
At the time of inspection, Stinchcombe Manor provided care for nine people living with dementia or other mental health needs – they have a capacity of 19. The care home had previously reduced their number of beds from 36 to 19 on October 27, 2021.
To read the full inspection report, click here.
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