Gloucestershire care home residents at ‘risk of harm’ finds new reportGloucestershire care home residents at ‘risk of harm’ finds new report

Gloucestershire care home residents at ‘risk of harm’ finds new report


Residents at a care home in Stroud were at “risk of harm” due to a lack of safety management, according to an official report.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published a report into Winslow House and gave it an overall rating of requiring improvement.

The CQC gave the care home a rating of requiring improvement in three areas – ‘safe’, ‘effective’ and ‘well-led’ – and good in the ‘caring’ and ‘responsive’ categories.

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The rating is defined as “the service isn’t performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve” and is the second-lowest rating, above ‘inadequate’.

The report cites issues with Covid-19 infection control, monitoring of medicine and the provider’s quality monitoring system.

Winslow House has said that the pandemic made operating a care home difficult, but has accepted the CQC’s findings and already began work with the commission to move towards compliance.

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Ready for inspection

The CQC state the reason for their inspection, carried out on November 3, 2021: “We received a concern in relation to the care people received, staffing numbers, staff training and the management of the service. As a result, we undertook a focused inspection to review the key questions of Safe, Effective and Well-led only.

“We looked at infection prevention and control measures under the Safe key question. We look at this in all care home inspections even if no concerns or risks have been identified. This is to provide assurance that the service can respond to COVID-19 and other infection outbreaks effectively.

“We have found evidence that the provider needs to make improvements. Please see the Safe, Effective and Well-led sections of this full report.”

The full report can be read here.

The report’s findings

A summary of the report published on December 22, 2021, states: “People told us they felt safe with the staff who looked after them. They also felt secure within the building.

“Action was taken to assess and manage risks associated with older people’s needs, such as how they needed to be moved, their mobility and potential falls and damage to their skin.

“Improvement was needed however, in the assessment of risks associated with Legionella infection and the control of substances hazardous to health. Some actions had been taken to mitigate risks associated with these areas, but an assessment record of those actions had not been completed to ensure, the actions taken, were enough to keep people safe. This is required in accordance with the Health and Safety Executives (HSE) guidelines on these matters.

“We were not fully assured that the care home had in place all necessary arrangements and practices which would enable them to effectively manage a potential outbreak of COVID-19 infection. Following this inspection, the service engaged with local infection, prevention and control (IPC) specialists to start improving their IPC arrangements.

“Some protection against COVID 19 was in place, which included relevant checks on visitors to the care home, regular COVID-19 testing for staff and service users and a fully completed program of service user COVID-19 vaccinations.

“People were supported to take their medicines as prescribed, however, some improvement was required to the monitoring of the medicines system to ensure, all practicable actions were taken, to protect people from potential medicine errors.

“Managers had faced unprecedented challenges in staffing the care home and retaining staff. When there had been additional needs to support, this had not resulted in an increase in staffing numbers. People told us their care needs were met but some people’s calls bells had not been responded to in a timely way to ensure their safety. An analysis of these delays had not taken place to see what action could be taken to avoid further delays.

“We have made a recommendation in relation to how the provider determines and monitors staffing numbers.

“People’s personal care needs were met. People told us when staff could not support them immediately, they always returned later, and arrangements were made for their care to be delivered.

“People told us their privacy and dignity were maintained.

“People were supported to eat, and drink and they were able to make choices. People were provided with textured altered foods and drink when they were at risk of not being able to swallow safely. The practices in the home, in relation to the preparation of this food, needed improvement so that these were consistently in line with best practice guidance.

“We have made a recommendation in relation to how the service keeps updated with best practice guidance.

“Staff knew the people they cared for well and therefore could recognise changes in their wellbeing. However, staff had not received training in how to formally monitor people’s deterioration so that this could be effectively escalated to relevant healthcare partners. Following this inspection, we signposted the service for support in this area.

“People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests. Although the policies and systems in the service supported this practice, in practice, staff were not completing mental capacity assessments or making referrals under Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) where always needed. This was resolved following this inspection and learning taken from this.

“The provider’s quality monitoring system was not fully effective in identifying where improvement actions needed to be taken. The provider had policies and procedures however, these were not fully understood by the senior management team and not always followed.

“We found no evidence that people had been harmed however, systems were either not in place or robust enough to demonstrate safety was effectively managed. This placed people at risk of harm. This was a breach of regulation 17 (Good Governance) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.

“Feedback had been sought from people and their relatives and responded to where needed to improve the overall service experience.

“People had opportunities to join in social activities and they told us they enjoyed these. People enjoyed the ability to socialise and several people told us they had made friendships with others in the care home. Communication between staff and the people was friendly and people told us they felt cared for. An open, inclusive and person-centred culture was in place.”

At the time of inspection, Winslow House provided personal and nursing care to 22 people aged 65 and over – it has the capacity to support up to 35 people.

Its previous inspection was published in January 2020, when the care home was rated ‘good’.

What the care home says

Maria Ann Doran, proprietor of Winslow House, acknowledges that 2021 was a very difficult time for care homes, with the Covid-19 pandemic impacting staffing and safety regulations.

She also wants to reassure clients of the care home that they are working hard to amend the issues found in the report.

She said: “It has been very difficult. Everything that was picked up on the report has now been put in place.

“This includes training arranged for basic health and safety, and first aid. Our recruitment policy has also changed and become more robust.

“We have also revised our fire risk assessment and Legionella report.”

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