Help your child make a pretty DIY mask chain – South Coast HeraldHelp your child make a pretty DIY mask chain – South Coast Herald

Help your child make a pretty DIY mask chain – South Coast Herald


Children have a habit of losing things and face masks are no exception.

While we all know that wearing a face mask can help protect you from COVID-19, children are notorious for misplacing items and, if you’re like us, you’ve probably had to buy your child several face masks to replace those lost. Thank goodness for face mask chains!

What are face mask chains you may ask? Basically, they are face masks with chains attached to them. The great thing about them is that they help everyone, young and old, to keep track of their face mask.

Face mask chains can be made with chains, beads, and even lanyards, whichever tickles your child’s fancy. Check out the video below to learn how to help your child make their own face mask chain at home.


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