Holywell Transition on the lookout for community garden volunteersHolywell Transition on the lookout for community garden volunteers

Holywell Transition on the lookout for community garden volunteers


A COMMUNITY garden in Flintshire is on the lookout for volunteers to help keep it tidy and running smoothly through the winter months.

Greenfield community garden, run by Holywell and District Transition Group, is seeking new green-fingered volunteers who can lend a helping hand.

If you are reasonably fit, have got some free time, and enjoy being out in the natural world, then you should consider applying to join the group, which is situated behind the Bakehouse café and next to Basingwerk Abbey ruins.

No experience is necessary and the group needs help with clearing vegetation, reinstating overgrown paths, wheelbarrowing compost to where it is needed and more.

A spokesperson for Holywell and District Transition said: “There’s always plenty to do at all times of year, but we are a small group and struggling to do it all.

“The site is large with several shrub/flower beds, two orchard areas, a wild area which also has some Welsh fruit trees, and a veg growing area with raised beds. At this time of year we usually need help with harvesting too.

“We have a shed where the tools are kept and where we can brew up and have a chat – and shelter from rain if need be. You would be very welcome to join us.

“The group meets every Thursday morning from 10am – 1.30pm, but if you could just do an hour or two now and then that would be okay too.”

For further information contact Rob Owen tel: 01352 710714 email: robowen29@talktalk.net


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