Home advantage could help City to the titleHome advantage could help City to the title

Home advantage could help City to the title


Mike Minay, BBC Radio Manchester

Pep Guardiola will play it down. Ask a player and whether confident or not, they’ll never tell you the title is looking good for City. But the fans can be quietly optimistic.

In all three festive games, except the first half against Leicester, Manchester City were average but they won all three. Two of those were away from home, the latter against an improved Arsenal side that pushed the Blues all the way. They still won.

As 2022 comes in City have been to Spurs, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester United, Leicester, and Arsenal. Six big, tough away grounds. And with the exception of Spurs (when they lacked a host of Brazilian and England stars after their summer exploits) they’ve been unbeaten. All of these teams, apart from Arsenal, have to come to the Etihad.

Home advantage may not be on previous Anfield or Stamford Bridge levels but it’s good, and you’d always rather play at home than away.

So yes, the title isn’t done, but with gaps emerging between the top and the rest, form building and those big home games, you can understand why the fans are beginning to smile.


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