How to create a productive routine and why important | by ZEN | ILLUMINATION | Dec, 2021How to create a productive routine and why important | by ZEN | ILLUMINATION | Dec, 2021

How to create a productive routine and why important | by ZEN | ILLUMINATION | Dec, 2021



How to create a productive routine and why important
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“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

— Buddha

Many people don’t know how important is daily routine is. One productive daily routine creates a day stress-free and live your life happily and purposeful. You change one day, your whole year changes, this is a secret of life. This thing knows every successful people. Stress is the enemy of this modern world. One stressed person doesn’t achieve anything they dream about. We don’t control stress because stress it’s everywhere but we handle this once we understand. And this is the power of creating a daily routine. This thing follows every great person because they know the power of daily routine. One great man said ~!

You’ll never change your life,until you change something you do daily. The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.

— John C. Maxwell

But many people don’t know how to create a perfect productive daily routine same problem faced me some years ago. So I read some of the best productive books and research, and then I learn to create a happy life, not hard. In this article, I am sharing with you what I learn and my own experience so you better understand. But remember knowing something, it’s not enough once you apply so your life changes. No matter what your current situation is. This is the key to living a happy life.

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Your productive day starts before night. Many people don’t know this thing, they wake up and start their day overthinking and creating so much stress in their bodies. After the day finishes, they don’t achieve anything.

Follow this rule ~

Before night go to bed take a notebook, not a laptop or mobile phone, only a paper notebook. Write down this thing ~ tomorrow, it’s my last day so what is the one thing I achieve at the end of the day, this is the important question I ask myself every day and this question changes my life. And Apple company founder Steve Jobs follows this same rule. You don’t know what is the one thing ask this question yourself and you find your answer.

Q. Tomorrow is my last day, so what is one thing I achieve at the end of the day?

Q. What is the one thing I do today and my life changes tomorrow?

Q. What is my biggest contribution to this world?

Once you find your answer write it down in your notebook. This habit of practicing it every day can change your life forever.

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.”

— Ralph Marston

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We earn money, but you don’t get back the time we lost. We all have the same 24 hour time, but some people achieve so many things, and some people do nothing. Because these people don’t know the meaning of time, they always manage their time. Time management is the myth we don’t manage our time, this thing knows every successful people on earth. Time most expensive resource on earth. So your question is how to use this time, good question same question me to?

Follow this rule ~

We don’t manage our time, this is a myth you first understand. But we block some specific time, meaning you block 9 to 11 am. This time we work on your most important task. This is the key to successful people. So always try to block your time. This thing saves your energy and you work more, less time . Achieving goals requires energy without energy, we don’t achieve anything.

No matter how many things you achieve at the end of the day, write down your notebook, but always try to focus on the 3 most important things. And write down which time we work on this goal, no matter how many hours we try to block this time.

“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.”

— Harvey MacKay

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When you wake up, your first action is to take a deep 3 or 6 breaths. This thing only takes 1 to 2 minutes, but the benefit is incredible. This thing commands your mind to start your day relaxed. And you notice your day starts in peace. This practice follows every monastic monk. Deep breathing has so many benefits. Upcoming article I am talking about this topic. Keep practicing this every day and change your life.

“Your current life is the result of your previous choices, if you want something different, begin to choose differently.”

— Joe Tichio

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Your brain only works properly when you move. This is the key to growing our brains. So always try to move. When you wake up this is a great time to move your body. This time you do 10-minute yoga or some sort of high-intensity exercise ( HIIT), this thing improves overall health. Exercise is the key to improving our body and mind. One simple step can change your life. Much research proves this. No matter how many times you exercise, only 4 minutes of exercise is enough. So try this every day.

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Success comes through hard work and focus. These are the two most powerful weapons you have so you can achieve anything, no matter how hard it is. So always focus on what you do. Your question is how to focus in the modern world, so much distraction. How to focus and achieve my important goal. Let’s follow this rule.

Rule ~

  1. Do one thing at a time.
  2. Work always a short amount of time.
  3. Work 20 to 30 minutes and break 10 to 15 minutes, it’s very productive
  4. Break time short walk and 5 and 6 push-ups.
  5. Never use social media and other things during break time.
  6. Never try to multitask.

This is the simple thing you follow no matter how hard things you do, you achieve very fast. This is the power rule to follow every productive people. Try this in your daily work time.

“There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing. It’s not a matter of time; it’s a matter of desire.”

— Nina Yau

Remember ~ Always try to learn new things every day and apply in your life what you learn. This is the successful formula. Without action, you don’t grow. You know everything about how to create your productive daily routine, try this. And if you think this is helpful information, share others so they can change their life. Who knows your one share, can change someone’s life. Thank you so much for reading this. Have a nice day.

Footnotes ~


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