In other words, speed up.
If you get to this step, your motivation to change the current state of life is strong, and you are ready to take this challenge.
In the beginning, your side hustle won’t bring you enough income even to pay off your bills. It does not mean you don’t try hard. You do! However, as Richard Branson said:
“There are no quick wins in business — it takes years to become an overnight success.”
It seems straightforward, but many new entrepreneurs refuse to be patient and, as a result, lose their passion.
If you think it’s impossible to balance a full-time job, side hustle, and relationships, let me prove you otherwise!
I became a self-taught writer and doubled my income in 2020, despite having a full-time job. I am launching two more side hustles by the end of 2021, working full-time.
My desire to work on my own goals is stronger than excuses. This is why I work my ass off on weekends, early mornings, and nights to transition from a marketer to an entrepreneur.
Stop watching Netflix in the evening, have a short working session on Saturday, cheat on your job, and don’t feel sorry about it.
You are not paid to sit in the office for eight hours. You are paid to drive results. If you can do it faster, the rest of the time is yours. You can spend it on making your dreams come true instead of someone else’s.
Here is what helped me scale up my projects despite other duties:
- Have a clear goal why you want to transition to an entrepreneur. “To leave a toxic” job place is not a real motivation.
- Hesitation is normal. However, only doers, not thinkers, shape this world. Decide who you want to be and adopt the mindset “I’d rather die knowing than die wondering.”
- Work at least 3 hours daily on your dream. If you want to quit — recall why you started it.
- Cheat on your job without regrets. As an employee, you can be easily replaced anytime. Become results-driven instead of activity-centered.
And last but not least, don’t compare your success to someone else. It’s their journey, not yours.
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