Human remains found in garden 20 miles from Fred and Rose West house of horrorsHuman remains found in garden 20 miles from Fred and Rose West house of horrors

Human remains found in garden 20 miles from Fred and Rose West house of horrors


The scene where the remains were found is currently unfolding in Kemble, in Gloucestershire, and has sparked frantic anxiety among local neighbours and residents due to its proximity to the Wests’ home

The scene where human remains were found in Kemble
A police forensic tent is seen where human remains were found in Kemble

Human remains have been discovered in a garden being dug up by builders just 20 miles away from the Rose and Fred West ‘house of horrors.’

The sick couple from Gloucester were arrested for the murder of 12 women and girls in 1994.

Fred killed himself while on remand in prison and Rose went on to be convicted of 10 of the brutal murders.

She is one of the few murderers in the UK who will die in prison after she was handed down a whole-life sentence.

The scene where the remains were found is currently unfolding in Kemble, in Gloucestershire, as forensic tents are erected.

Do you live on the street where the human reminds have been found? Email

Fred and Rose West



The gruesome find has sparked frantic anxiety among local neighbours and residents due to its proximity to the West’s home in Cromwell Street, Gloucester.

One resident told news agency SWNS: “I didn’t even know it was happening until other parents were talking about it on the playground this morning.

“I think the reason for the crime scene is being kept very quiet at the moment.

“Whenever there’s a big crime scene in Gloucestershire, everybody thinks about Fred and Rose [West].”

The Wests’ ‘house of horrors’, their former home, in Gloucester


Aerial photographs have been pictured on November 9 and have been circulating online ever since, as attention is drawn to the developing story.

The witness then continued, saying: “Obviously there’s nothing to say it is one of their victims, but who knows how many there were and where they could be hidden.”

Gloucestershire Constabulary has confirmed human bones were found on site but said it was not in a position to state where they came from or who they belonged to.

A spokesperson said: “Police received a report that human bones were discovered by a builder working at a property in Kemble last Thursday (4 November).

The 10 girls and women murdered by Rose West


Rex Features)

“Officers remain at the scene and inquiries are continuing.”

Fred and Rose tortured and killed an unknown number of girls and women over a 20-year period.

Their victims include Fred’s daughter Charmaine, eight, in 1972, and the couple’s daughter Heather, 16, in 1987.

Fred is said to have confessed to more murders – taking his morbid total to 30 – while on remand before he committed suicide.

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