I Made $100,000 Flipping Websites | by Jenn Leach | The Side Hustle Club | Nov, 2021I Made $100,000 Flipping Websites | by Jenn Leach | The Side Hustle Club | Nov, 2021

I Made $100,000 Flipping Websites | by Jenn Leach | The Side Hustle Club | Nov, 2021


Jenn Leach

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

Website flipping was something I stumbled onto several years back. I was looking to exit my business that helped me quit my 9-to-5 job and move into a new industry.

the thought dawned on me to sell the site instead of just closing it down, so I did!

The process took about 2–3 months, it was stressful and nerve-wrecking but it worked and I sold my site!


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