Anjeer or figs is stacked with healthy nutrients. It helps in losing weight and reduces the bulge in the abdominal area. You can add it as a part of a calorie-controlled balanced diet too. Figs can be consumed fresh or dried.Also Read – How Can Exercise Help Manage And Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?
Figs have nutrients that help in shaping a good digestive system and is known for strengthening bone health. It helps in maintaining a steady blood pressure with the help of a high potassium level. Also Read – Remo D’Souza’s Wife Lizelle D’Souza Opens up on Weight Loss Journey – What Worked And What Didn’t
How is Anjeer (Figs) Beneficial for Losing Weight?
It contains a huge amount of dietary fibre which keeps the stomach fuller for a longer duration of time. This also helps in keeping a tab on the intake of calories every day. With the presence of fibre in the fig, it helps in starting the bowel system which in return strengthen the digestive system. Also Read – Kangana Ranaut’s Weight Loss Journey: Shedding 20 Kilos in 6 Months, Getting Permanent Stretch Marks
Fig has a digestive enzyme present called ficin. Along with other enzymes, it helps in maintaining the digestive tract which returns helps in digesting food quickly. An important key to losing weight as well as reducing belly fat by keeping a healthy digestive system.
- Helps in Burning Calories
Fig has omega-3 fatty acids which helps in burning more calories in the muscle while exercising. It plays an important role in the weight loss journey. It prevents the heart from cardiovascular diseases.
- Helps in Increasing the Metabolism
Figs have minerals that helps in attaining weight loss goals. Minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, magnesium. Not only minerals but the presence of vitamins like A and B also helps in speeding up the metabolism rate.
- Helps in Lowering Calories
Figs are in nature low in calories. When you replace it with snacks, the calorie intake automatically reduces.
However, figs should not be consumed in large quantities as it is sweet and may not be suit your body.
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