
Man A: “I want to slim down, but I have no time for a workout. is there any way to slim down without a workout?”
Man B: “Yes, there is! Please look at the photos of these before and after shots below. This is the result of following our program “The Way of Nature Diet”. By following our special diet, one can quickly shed off excessive weight.”
Man A: “That’s really great. Please tell me more about this program”
Man B: “What you should do first is to put an end to your bad eating habits!”
Man A: “Bad eating habits? What are bad eating habits?”
Man B: “Bad eating habits include everything that is delicious. It’s the quickest way to put on weight.”
Man A: “Well, that indeed sounds like bad news for me. I love delicious food!”
Man B: “I understand you perfectly. But wait, there’s more to losing weight than simply putting an end to your bad eating habits! Please also remember what I’m about to say. You should never eat before you go to bed.”
Man A: “That sounds like a good enough reason for me not to eat at all!”
Man B: “You’re wrong there. It’s not like that. Here is the secret tip for you: The best time and amount of food corresponding with each individual human body type.”
Man A: “What do you mean by that?”
Man B: “For example, if one eats too little at night, it will reach beyond its limit and thus cause one to put on weight by converting it into fat.”
Man A: “That makes sense”
Man B: “On the other hand, if one overeats at night, it has no time to process all these food before going to sleep. It will cause the excess fat not to be burned even during sleep.
Basically, by following this method, you can lose your weight without putting any effort.”
By following this special diet for only three months, Man A shows a drastic change in his figure!
Man A is clearly much slimmer now.
This is indeed an amazing program that lets one slim down without a workout.
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