‘It is a privilege’- Copeland to be recognised in Westminster Garden of Remembrance‘It is a privilege’- Copeland to be recognised in Westminster Garden of Remembrance

‘It is a privilege’- Copeland to be recognised in Westminster Garden of Remembrance


The service and sacrifice’s of Copeland residents will be commemorated in a special Garden of Remembrance in Westminster.

Local MP Trudy Harrison has been invited to plant a commemorative stake in the House of Commons Constituency Garden of Remembrance, which has been created by the Speaker’s Office and The Royal British Legion.

There will be stake’s planted from all of the 650 constituencies across the UK in New Palace Yard ahead of Remembrance Sunday on November 14th.

Mrs Harrison said: “It is a privilege to be invited to take part in this collective act of Remembrance on behalf of Copeland.

“In the year that the Royal British Legion celebrates its centenary, it is never more important that we unite to honour those who served – and continue to serve – to protect our freedoms and way of life.”

Trudy is now asking constituents to nominate an individual, regiment or community with a connection to Copeland with whom the commemoration will be made.

She will also be sharing their stories and photographs on her website and social media throughout the Remembrance Period.

Mrs Harrison said:”I look forward to hearing more about men and woman from Copeland – whether they served 100 years ago or today – on whose behalf our tribute in the Garden of Remembrance will be planted.”

Other officials from Copeland have shared their thoughts on the area being included in the Westminster Garden.

Chris Hayes, Mayor of Whitehaven, said: “I think it’s a fantastic idea the people of Whitehaven deserve to be recognised.

“We’ll be holding our own parade next month and we think those in the area will appreciate it.

“It’s good for the country and it’s good for Copeland, I think it’s a step forward and people will like the idea.”

Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the House of Commons, added: “I look forward to seeing the Constituency Garden of Remembrance as Members plant their Remembrance tributes and hearing more about each constituency’s service and sacrifice in this momentous year.”

If you would like to nominate an individual, regiment or community Mrs Harrison has asked that you send around a 250 word piece with a photograph if possible.

All information can be sent to Trudy.harrison.mp@parliament.uk before Monday, November 8th.


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