King’s Lynn football league helps weight loss goalsKing’s Lynn football league helps weight loss goals

King’s Lynn football league helps weight loss goals


A football league encouraging men to join and lose weight has been launched at Alive Lynnsport.

Man v Fat is for men who want to slim.

Uniquely, the league is decided not just on points won, but pounds lost.

Man v Fat football league help men achieve weight loss while enjoying the beautiful game. (52059700)
Man v Fat football league help men achieve weight loss while enjoying the beautiful game. (52059700)

Support is given to every player with resources, inspiration and support to help members get fitter and enjoy the beautiful game.

Dean Bax organises the Friday sessions at Lynnsport and he said: “We play every Friday night 7pm till 8pm and weighing in starts from 6.30pm.

“The league has been going for a quite a few years and there are 100 leagues across the country. The success of it has shows that 90 per cent of the men have lost weight.

Man v Fat football league help men achieve weight loss while enjoying the beautiful game. (52059694)
Man v Fat football league help men achieve weight loss while enjoying the beautiful game. (52059694)

“Men open up in a male environment and this brings them together and a bond is created with each other in regards to food and activities.”

The group has a light-hearted approach but a serious attitude to losing weight.

Mr Bax said: “We have fun titles to go for such as top loser for the person who loses the most percentage in body mass index (BMI).

“Top scorer is given to the person who continuously loses weight throughout the season and then there is an overall l league title winner.”

Man v Fat football league help men achieve weight loss while enjoying the beautiful game. (52059706)
Man v Fat football league help men achieve weight loss while enjoying the beautiful game. (52059706)

Dean has personal experience of the benefits of the Man v Fat football league when he was in Peterborough.

He said: “I lost weight and it has helped me mentally and physically. I lost 9.5st. I used to have anxiety in social situations and it has helped me overcome social barriers. I want to give back by helping other men.”

The team names are also light hearted with examples such as the Porky Blinders and Who Ate All Depays, (in tribute to Holland and Manchester United player Memphis Depays).

Dean said: “It is not just about the ability to play football but the enjoyment of getting ut on the pitch and doing something you love.

Man v Fat football league help men achieve weight loss while enjoying the beautiful game. (52059712)
Man v Fat football league help men achieve weight loss while enjoying the beautiful game. (52059712)

“Everybody has the opportunity if you are over 18. There are people in their 60s playing. For a member to join they must be classified as over weight as the idea is to lose weight.”

Visit here for further information.

Man v Fat football league help men achieve weight loss while enjoying the beautiful game. (52059725)
Man v Fat football league help men achieve weight loss while enjoying the beautiful game. (52059725)


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