Magical clan houses delivered to The Alnwick Garden for £15.5m Lilidorei play villageMagical clan houses delivered to The Alnwick Garden for £15.5m Lilidorei play village

Magical clan houses delivered to The Alnwick Garden for £15.5m Lilidorei play village


They will form part of Lilidorei, billed as the world’s largest play structure, which is due to launch next spring.

The two new additions, delivered from Bristol, will join the one-of-a-kind magical village where it’s Christmas all year round and goblins, elves, dwarves, pixies, and trolls are plentiful.

The journey through the play structure and accompanying clan houses is designed to awaken the senses of every child who visits, from questioning the eerie sounds of goblins hissing and slithering around the woods to exploring the wondrous elf and fairy homes spread across nine clans.

Special delivery at The Alnwick Garden.

Lilidorei will feature a settlement of earthy wooden houses. Every clan has a unique and specific house. Visitors will be transported into the everyday lives of the troublesome clan members through the unique use of immersive sound.

The £15.5m play village will create 50 new jobs at The Alnwick Garden plus hundreds more in the wider local economy and will train and employ’ ex-military servicemen, as well as welcoming millions of extra tourists to the local area.

Lilidorei’s focus is on attracting visitors outside of the busy summer season – which is particularly critical for the North East region. The objective is that Lilidorei will attract 280,000 visits to Northumberland.

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£15.5m Lilidorei play village coming to life at The Alnwick Garden

Clan houses being delivered to The Alnwick Garden.

As part of The Alnwick Garden charity, Lilidorei has committed to offering Free Fridays during term time ensuring that every schoolchild in Northumberland and the surrounding areas have the chance to visit the attraction for free during their primary years’ education.

Discussing the project, The Duchess of Northumberland said: “Lilidorei has lived in my imagination for the past 12 years and I am delighted to bring my creative vision to life.

“The saddest thing is when scientists disprove theories, and we are told that the Loch Ness monster doesn’t exist or that the tooth fairy isn’t real or that Santa is make-believe. Lilidorei turns all this upside down. It exists and it is captivating.

“We cannot wait to open the doors to Lilidorei and release the magic.”

Arriving at the Lilidorei site.
A low loader delivers two clan houses to The Alnwick Garden.
The clan houses form part of a £15.5m play village.
The clan houses make their way past the treehouse at The Alnwick Garden.


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