A man has documented his encounters with ‘aliens’ over a period spanning five decades.
UFO investigator Russ Kellett, 58, says his first strange encounter was when he was aged four and living in Girlington, Bradford.
He says he saw a man wearing something resembling a ‘space suit and helmet’ in the back yard of the family home in Kensington Street.
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“He was walking in my garden – I could not believe it. I waved and he put his hand up. There was a silver object which I thought was a dustbin. He walked behind this silver object and the next thing it juddered and went up. I thought ‘what the heck is this.'”
Mr Kellett, a former Bradford businessman now living in Filey, North Yorkshire, didn’t tell anyone what he had seen but has now revealed all in a new book called ‘Russell Kellet is E.T. Rider’.
He says the book is the story of his life and his encounters with ‘alien craft’ and abductions by aliens.
When he was about 12, he says there was another incident in which he ‘lost’ a number of hours while playing alone near a wooded area off Fairbank Road in Bradford.
He saw a ‘light in the sky’ and then everything went dark as strong winds began to shake the trees.
“It was really bizarre and a little bit frightening.”
He believes the light he saw was ‘some kind of craft’.
Several years later he says he was abducted by aliens while riding a motorbike. He recalls being injected in the back of his neck while abroad an alien craft.
He believes that he had been abducted by aliens to become a soldier in some kind of war involving different alien races.
Mr Kellett hit the headlines in 2020 when he claimed he saw singer Robbie Williams aboard a spaceship in 1999. He said the former Take That star was part of his ‘military unit’.”
According to the Daily Star, Robbie did not deny the story but said: “No comment.”
Mr Kellett admits that his experiences sound like the plot of a sci-fi movie.
“Of course it does,” he says.
“A journalist said that what I told him is like an A-movie.”
However, he says what happened to him was ‘living a hell’ and a ‘nightmare’.
He said some people in the UFO community were only out to make cash and had a “my dad’s bigger than your dad” mentality.
“I would rather my truth get out there rather than other people’s lies,” he added.
The blurb for the book describes it as “A man’s account of countless close encounters with alien craft and abductions by an alien race.
“Taken by a group of aliens and put into a military unit, trained to fight as a super-soldier against their enemies on this planet and on many others in our universe.
“Coming to terms with memories of an alien planet and fighting different alien races as well as human races on Earth.”
Mr Kellett has a second book out, entitled The Berwyn Mountains UFO Cover Up – Alien Invasion Wales, which looks at events of January 23, 1974.
He says: “Five men came across a landed craft and aliens. They were hurried along by the Army who surrounded them.”
Mr Kellett said he had been working on the case for many years and had been granted access to various official logs.
Witnesses to the event – dubbed the Welsh Roswell – heard a loud crashing noise and ran out of their houses to see bright lights in the sky.
In 2010 files from the National Archives show the 1974 event was explained by a noisy earth tremor that had coincided with a meteor burning up in the atmosphere.
The official explanation didn’t satisfy many. The files show that one local wrote: “That ‘something” came down in the Berwyn Mountains on that night I am certain.
“It is certain to the minds of both my friends who came with me and to me that we were visited by an object that evening.”
Both books are available via Amazon.
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