Matrices: An Introduction. A publication consisting of multiple… | by Martin L Shuck | Matrices | Jan, 2022Matrices: An Introduction. A publication consisting of multiple… | by Martin L Shuck | Matrices | Jan, 2022

Matrices: An Introduction. A publication consisting of multiple… | by Martin L Shuck | Matrices | Jan, 2022


Martin L Shuck

A publication consisting of multiple sections to explore different subject environments.

ma·​trix | ˈmā-triks
plural matrices ˈmā-​trə-​ˌsēz , ˈma-​ or matrixes ˈmā-​trik-​səz

1: something (such as a situation or a set of conditions) in which something else develops or forms
//the complex social
matrix in which people live their lives
2: an environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure.
//”free choices become the
matrix of human life”

I have several distinct areas of interest. I’ve been working on attempting to set up these disparate topics under 1 publication with several sections, in hopes of making the writing easier to manage, rather than have multiple separate publications. I think I have it structured appropriately but if this doesn’t go as planned I may have to re-evaluate. Will see how it goes.

I will say, setting up a Medium publication, with these multiple sections, wasn’t as intuitive as I thought. I’ve set up several websites, so I didn’t really expect it to be a challenge. But it isn’t self-explanatory to me. Google pointed me to several Medium authors with instructions.

I have dabbled with writing for a couple of other publications, but that doesn’t seem to be a good solution for me, for a variety of reasons. I don’t anticipate adding writers to this publication, or joining other publications, but that could change. I doubt I would just open it up to new writers. But perhaps invite specific writers in the future. I know this may hamper the exposure the publication and my writing receive, and that is OK. If the content is good, it will be found, or if not, the writing is good therapy. Basically it is just a repository for my writing on these topics. A vehicle for improving my writing and organizing my thoughts.

Here is a breakdown of the proposed sections and some of the topics in each section:

The articles in MidLifePrime and DriftNot should be more objective. MidLifePrime will be research and experience based, and focused on health and wellness and aging. DriftNot will be more focused on motivation, self-improvement, business endeavors, and success literature.

Examens and Phusings will be quite subjective and although I hope it will have appeal to some, it is quite likely to be off-putting to many. Nevertheless, the thoughts I will explore are important to me that I want to get them organized and shared. Areas of interest: religion, society, psychology, and philosophy. The nature of consciousness, humanity and natural order.


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