- Starting a business has been playing on your mind recently.

You just cannot get the thought of creating a business and being an entrepreneur out of your head, and so you spend time at work, the coffee shop, late nights in bed thinking about it.
2. You were having dreams of a lot of money.
You have never had such a better dream before *rolling in money, throwing money in the air* you would feel like living in your dreams forever, but SNAP OUT OF IT! you have got real millionaire decisions to make that would help you reach that goal faster.
3. Other people have been speaking to you about opening a business for yourself.
If your friends and family are constantly saying that you have “the potential to start a business” Then that my friend is a sign right there. Your closest friends and family know you best.
4. You’re just more interested in stocks and investing recently.
If the New York Stock Exchange has been interesting to you for a while then that’s the start to keeping up with your research on investing and growing your money so that you can retire in the next 4 years.
5. Partying and alcohol does not excite you anymore.
Now, this is a major sign of growth and stability. Knowing your limits and taking control of your interests is a major sign that you now have a millionaire mindset.
Lastly, now that we have covered the 5 signs, remember that in order to achieve a certain lifestyle you need to work hard, when you put your mind to something you will never fail.
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