Missing man with liver bird tattoo was last seen at home one week agoMissing man with liver bird tattoo was last seen at home one week ago

Missing man with liver bird tattoo was last seen at home one week ago


A man with a liver bird tattoo and London accent was last seen in his home in Southport almost one week ago.

Michael Dowling, 34, was last seen at his home in Linaker Street in Southport last Saturday, September 4.

When last seen, Michael was wearing blue coat, blue jeans, and black Adidas trainers with a white stripe.

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Michael is described as white, 6ft 2in tall, of proportionate build, with receding brown hair and blue eyes.

According to Merseyside Police, he speaks with a London accent and has a Liver bird tattoo on his right arm.

Merseyside Police are now asking the public for help tracing Michael.

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If you see Michael please send details via: https://www.merseyside.police.uk/ro/report/mp/v2/report-sighting-of-missing-person-form/ or any other information to @MerPolCC, 101 or Missing People on 116 000.

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