Plans unveiled to convert six bedroom property into home for vulnerable childrenPlans unveiled to convert six bedroom property into home for vulnerable children

Plans unveiled to convert six bedroom property into home for vulnerable children


Permission is being sought to transform a house into a children’s residential care facility.

A ‘change of use’ application has been submitted to Darlington Council for a property on Collingsway.

If permission is granted, the property will house young people aged 11 – 16 years from the Darlington borough as a priority.

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It will also be accountable and regulated by professional bodies such as OFSTED inspection procedures.

According to the applicant, the young people will be Darlington children who have been considered to be at greater risk in their previous home arrangement.

They believe the residential property is in a fantastic location to encourage a positive lifestyle with a walkway and cycle path nearby.

The floor plan of the property shows adequate rooms in the home to be used for bedrooms and lounge areas.

The planning statement reads: “The six bedroomed property will become a residential care home for up to three young people. This care home will operate as any other familial household. We will offer three places for young people.

“The young people will have their own bedroom. There will be two lounge areas within the property. An open plan kitchen to encourage family style meal times where possible. The ethos of the care home and staff is to steer young people in positive directions through engagement with people and activities as well as education.”

There is one comment submitted on the planning portal, it reads: “There are plenty of other commercial properties to purchase to convert and use for this type of business. Allow a residential property to remain.”

The applicant said they will promote open communication with the neighbours and provide channels of communication should any concerns arise.

They said they will be unable to disclose confidential information about any child however will ensure that staff are aware of concerns and work to resolve these concerns effectively.

To view the full planning application or comment on the proposals visit

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