
After dieting for half of my life, there is one thing that I learned clearly if you’re focused on losing just weight, it won’t work for you.
The problem is since we see it as only a point of losing weight, our actions continue to be framed in that way.
For instance, for the longest time, I wanted to get back to my skinny self.
I wanted to lose weight rapidly hence I tried everything, from egg diet to fruit diet, to no carbs diet and so much more.
What happened was while the first two days made my life easy, the third and the days to follow became difficult for me.
I started to understand that this isn’t the real way to lose weight. I can hardly stick on it how can I even lose weight.
After trying so much, I thought let me eat all the food, ill focus on exercise.
I went from doing 1-hour yoga for a week to breaking my back the second week.
After that painful recovery, I started with cardio and then moved to dance but nothing I could stick around with.
While I almost gave up, I didn’t realize the switch in diet and exercise made things worse for me.
My cortisol levels went crazy, my appetite went at an all-time low and my mood swings went from rage to calm in minutes.
After researching so much on Instagram and Facebook, I realized the way to lose weight is nothing like the ones listed above.
So, to experiment, I tried the two simple techniques that shocked me with their result and made me a healthier and fitter person physically and mentally.
The 2’s Of Losing Weight
- Switch to eating veg daily and meat once a week
I love meat but I don’t love it so much when it starts to impact my health. I would have meat every day and though I didn’t eat much, my weight still started to gain.
Eating so much meat cause a disturbance in my body which was then I decided to try eating veg for the next week. When I started, it was difficult but as the days went by, I felt better. I started to feel light, I didn’t feel the burden of eating.
When I checked my weight at the end of the week, I lost 800 gms and that shocked me. I started to try out my tight clothes and realized I fit. That is when I realized that consuming veg made a difference. Imagine I lost weight even while eating non-veg once a week.
2. Portion control with a small bowl
While having veg made me lose weight, I however upgraded my weight loss process. I started to conduct portion control. I have this small bowl at home that I keep next to me when I eat. Whether it is consuming rice or curry or meat or anything, I use that bowl to conduct portion control.
After a week, I started to lose weight by the kg. I remember I was 76.1 kg and with portion control, I was 75.4.
And the best part of all this, I lost weight without even knowing it.
I started to see the difference, I felt lighter, my mood was better, I was happy from within.
Isn’t that a great sign towards a healthy life?
Wrapping Up
While these two did help me lose weight, when it came to exercise, all I did was walk every day for 45 minutes. I just walked normally, not too fast, not too slow.
And the results helped. For those who experience irregular periods, with these tactics, everything will come into line.
The whole agenda of losing weight is to eat right and exercise well. Doing rough exercises will only disrupt your body. Losing weight is not a task, it is a step towards taking care of your health.
This is what worked for me and the reason I shared it here is that I know the real struggle of losing weight.
If this works for you, do let me know in the comments below.
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