I would like to share with you my own personal and unconventional success story. The results were immediate after I hit the publish button on my first Medium article and they were astonishing, to say the least.
I can’t remember the last time I wrote anything more than a work-related Email. I had never considered myself a good writer. In my wildest imagination, I couldn’t picture someone taking the time to read something written by me and gaining value from it. I didn’t write it with the hopes of becoming a famous writer one day or in the hopes that I would profit monetarily from it. I just knew I had a lot on my mind, and it was starting to consume me. I didn’t know how to tell my friends and family I don’t feel the way my pictures look on social media. My seemingly perfect life was a hoax, and I was battling a demon inside… depression. I lacked the motivation to do everyday activities. You’re probably wondering if I got successful overnight from writing just one article? The answer is both yes and no.
At first, I was scared to be vulnerable and share the not-so-happy parts of my life with strangers on the internet. After that, it was even scarier to share my writing with people I know in real life. Did I want them to know my life is far from perfect and that I too struggle sometimes? Or did I feel confident enough in my ability to write something cohesive, grammatically correct, and engaging? For the first time in a long time, I felt passionate about something. I pushed myself outside of a box that I didn’t even realize I had created for myself. I gained the confidence that I am capable of writing something meaningful not only to myself but to others as well. I felt accomplished by creating something that would empower others who might also be going through a difficult time. It gave me the motivation to try something new. I only gained about 7 followers and there isn’t money flowing into my checking account. I did, however, gain something that money can’t buy. I gained the satisfaction of completing something on my own that I am incredibly proud of. I received feedback that reading my article helped someone. I gained an insight into having deeper meaningful connections with people by being vulnerable. I joined an amazing community of writers on the internet who I can learn from and grow with.
Wouldn’t you consider that success? If you’re afraid of trying something new because you’re afraid of failing just think of all the things, you could learn from the process. Use it to better yourself and as motivation to try again and again till you are successful whatever your definition of that may be.
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