The Grocer’s New Product Awards 2021: Home Baking | Events & AwardsThe Grocer’s New Product Awards 2021: Home Baking | Events & Awards

The Grocer’s New Product Awards 2021: Home Baking | Events & Awards


Dr. Oetker Spectacular Science Squashable Jelly Bubbles Cupcake Mix

Winner: Dr. Oetker Spectacular Science Squashable Jelly Bubbles Cupcake Mix

This product from Dr. Oetker adds a true piece of innovation to the baking aisle, combing baking with a touch of child-friendly molecular gastronomy. Added into the baking mix for 12 cupcakes is colour-changing icing designed to teach kids about natural PH reactions and squashable jelly bubbles they can make using a process known as spherification, each paired with a learning activity sheet to help guide families through the process and understand the science behind it. Delivering a brilliant twist on baking as a fun at-home activity the product, first launched in September 2020, is fun, engaging and a real category first.

A truly innovative product which has an educational value alongside the fun of baking. This product pack includes a learning activity sheet to guide families through the bake and science together. The eating experience echoes the fun of making them and sold at a good price point this will appeal to lots of families.

Highly commended: Renshaw Luxury Bakers’ Caramel



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