Willow war horse at Aldershot Military Museum created by artists Judith Needham in 2014 (Photo: Joe Low)
Submitted by Hampshire Cultural Trust
A new project will see veterans, serving members of the armed forces, and civilians working together to create a garden at the Aldershot Military Museum this autumn.
The Resilience Garden project is funded by the Ministry of Defence and Hampshire Gardens Trust, and will include a 3D mosaic and willow plant supports, taking inspiration from the museum’s willow war horse created by artist Judith Needham in 2014.
The project will be run by volunteers who can sign up by emailing garden4resilience@gmail.com.
In addition to gardening workshops during the winter, there will be a series of creative sessions delivered inside the museum where volunteers will build features for the garden.
Neil Couzens, Aldershot Military Museum community manager, said: “The Resilience Garden is a really exciting project which will see the transformation of the outside space at the museum by the local community through a series of guided workshops this autumn and into spring 2022.
“Volunteers will be at the heart of the project, planning the design, growing the plants and building the seating- providing a space to reduce stress, get active and socialise.”
The project is one of a series of initiatives taking place at Aldershot Military Museum, which is operated by charity Hampshire Cultural Trust, bringing different parts of the community together and supporting wellbeing through practical, hands-on activity.
Helen Ellis, the project’s coordinator, said: “Volunteers don’t need any previous gardening experience and all tools and equipment will be provided along with cups of tea and a friendly welcome.”
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