Dr Michael Mosley often shares his weight loss tips with slimmers online as well as on television. He is the creator of The Fast 800 – a diet plan that helps people lose weight quickly.
Exercise can be difficult to fit into your daily routine, especially if you are trying to navigate work, a social life, and time with your family.
But working out doesn’t have to take long – in fact, less than 30 minutes a day is sufficient, according to Dr Mosley.
On the latest episode of his podcast series, Just One Thing, the doctor explained that it is possible to lose weight by just doing a few minutes of exercise every day.
Dr Mosley called this “exercise snacking”.
READ MORE: Weight loss: Man lost 3.5st in 12 weeks with easy diet plan
“Doing exercise in short chunks really can help you burn more calories, lose more weight, and help improve your blood glucose and blood pressure to a greater degree than doing it in larger chunks.”
Dr Mosley stressed that doing exercise in this way is “really easy to fit into your life, particularly if you’re not a regular exerciser”.
He said: “You can start with a few short chunks like going for a walk or, as I was doing, going up and down the stairs.
“And then build it up.”
Although it is not as intense as running or cycling, walking can help create a large calorie deficit.
A calorie deficit means burning more fat than the body consumes.
Walking just one mile approximately burns 100 calories, and on average should only take up to 20 minutes.
If you don’t have time to fit high intensity exercise into your routine, walking up the stairs instead of taking the escalator, or walking to the shop instead of talking the car, is a great way to burn calories without even realising it.
Dr Mosley added: “I think exercise snacking really could be the answer to someone who wants to get more movements into a busy day but doesn’t have much time.”
However, the doctor has previously highlighted that exercise and a healthy diet always go “hand in hand”.
In an earlier exclusive interview with Express.co.uk, Dr Mosley warned: “Whilst exercising is a great way to stay healthy and fit, it shouldn’t be substituted for healthy eating.
“They need to go hand in hand.
“So, go for that run, but leave the muffin alone.”
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