Welcome to your 2022 DIY at-home retreatWelcome to your 2022 DIY at-home retreat

Welcome to your 2022 DIY at-home retreat


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Have you ever wanted to create your very own at-home retreat? A 2022 staycation.

Who needs a plan to follow, for three days? It doesn’t have to be expensive; creating time for self-love, happiness and wellbeing.

Time to read.
Time for a face mask.
A walk in nature.
Breakfast in silence.
Green juice.
Organise your fresh food shop.

Committing to a 2022 staycation wellbeing retreat allows you to kick start some momentum to make changes to your daily grind.

An immersion (or retreat) is the perfect time to start your daily self-care habits. How about we create our very own at-home staycation, for three days? Let’s commit together. It’s the school holidays and our family have decided to stay in Canberra, so I’m starting my retreat in early January. I’m going to commit to four self-care initiatives each day.

Click here for your planner. Here’s my copy if you need some inspo (click here). It’s only three days. Who is joining me?!

Every year I used to commit to a yoga retreat. Full immersion—no phone, healthy eating, exercise, positive mindset, goal setting, R & R and sleep. I’ve been to Bali, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Byron Bay, Noosa, Bayley Point, Kangaroo Valley and the Blue Mountains. I now have three kids, and let’s face it, we can’t travel anywhere for a retreat overseas, so Why not make our own (individually crafted to suit our own lifestyle and commitments).

Every 3-6 months I schedule an at-home retreat, and the plan changes, depending on what I need.

This is how I am making it happen:

Tidy the house the day before, as there is NO CLEANING on retreat

I used to thrive in an organised, clean (ish) house. I’m now more realistic, and don’t expect a perfect house. Although, practicing yoga and meditation when you can see visible chunks of avocado and dog hairballs, hard play-doh from five days ago and moist crackers isn’t conducive to a still mind!

Print the schedule off, and put it on the fridge

Choose four things you want to achieve each day for your retreat. You’re welcome to email me at kirra@capitalhydrotherapy.com.au if you need help with your retreats schedule.

Make sure there’s a mixture of mind, body and soul activities on the list

Have a theme—my theme is: “happy”

Set a budget

It doesn’t have to be big budget—we’re crawling out of a two-year pandemic, so take it easy on the wallet.

If you’ve got $6 to your name, make your own face mask with boiled oats and avocado; drink hot water and lemon, improve your sleep hygiene, positive self-talk, social distancing walks, gratitude journal and yoga on YouTube—the low budget list is endless. Time is free.

Have a retreat buddy

Everyone needs support. You can do the retreat separately, and still keep each other accountable. Check-in every day, and keep each other motivated and inspired.

If you don’t have three days available, then just do one day to start with (or a couple of 1⁄2 days). If you can’t find one 1/2 day—then you have a problem my friend… I’m surprised you’ve even read this far!

Who’s with me?


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