Wolverhampton pub wants to extend its beer gardenWolverhampton pub wants to extend its beer garden

Wolverhampton pub wants to extend its beer garden


A pub in Wolverhampton has asked the city council for permission to extend its outdoor beer garden.

The Bluebrick in Broad Gauge Way – next to the Premier Inn hotel and the former Low Level Station site – has applied to licensing bosses for approval to build a new block-paved area on the adjoining slip road.

Pub bosses Whitbread Group wants to increase the licensable space outside the premises in order to accommodate more visitors.

An application has gone in to Wolverhampton Council’s statutory licensing committee, which members will discuss next Tuesday, December 14.

The premises – close to the city centre – falls within the Heath Town ward.

In a report to the authority, City of Wolverhampton Council licensing manager Greg Bickerdike said: “There is insufficient information within the operating schedule to show how the applicant will address this licensing objective – namely that only those appearing under 18 will be asked for proof of age, rather than Challenge 25.

“The plan also doesn’t suitably explain the layout of the premises and licensable activities.

“I will be looking to mediate in order to address these concerns by way of amendments to the operating schedule, prior to the committee hearing,” he added.

In written correspondence with Leigh Schelvis, acting on behalf of applicants Whitbread, Mr Bickerdike said that a number of amendments raised were being agreed between the two.

The report stated: “A plan is to be provided which includes the internal layout of all buildings – as well as all perimeter walls within the premises.

“Also, a red line to show the area for licensable activity.

“In the interest of the prevention of public nuisance, between the hours of 11pm until 7am, the outdoor seated areas must be closed to customers, with neither drinks nor food permitted to be consumed in those areas.

“The protection of children from harm will include the Challenge 25 scheme being in operation to ensure that any person who appears to be under the age of 25 will provide documented proof that they are over 18 years of age,” he added.

“Proof of age will only comprise a passport, photo card, driving licence, an EU/EEA national ID card or a card bearing the PASS hologram.

“When age-restricted goods are delivered to a customer’s hotel room, the person who takes receipt of the goods must be subject to Challenge 25 verification.

“Where age verification is required, an original valid photographic identity document must be provided. Delivery staff shall be over 18 years of age.

“Where a delivery person has concerns further to child protection at any room to which alcohol has been delivered, these concerns shall be made known to the premises licence holder and duty manager with a minimum of delay – whereupon the premises licence holder shall report the matter to Wolverhampton’s Emergency Duty Team,” the report added.

The council’s statutory licensing sub-committee will make a decision on the application next Tuesday, December 14.


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