World Alzheimer’s Day 2021: From Weight Loss to Anger IssuesWorld Alzheimer’s Day 2021: From Weight Loss to Anger Issues

World Alzheimer’s Day 2021: From Weight Loss to Anger Issues


Alzheimer’s disease is a health condition that is gradually progressive in nature and is the most common form of Dementia. It involves affecting parts of the brain that has control of thinking, memory and conversation. It could begin with something as simple as minute memory loss but can extend up to complete memory loss, inability to carry conversations or even respond to the place the person is in.Also Read – World Alzheimer’s Day: What Is Alzheimer? Symptoms, Causes And Treatment, Explained

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 60 to 80 per cent of dementia cases is Alzheimer’s disease. There is no fixed cure for Alzheimer’s, but treatments help in reducing the rate of progression of the disease. Also Read – Parkinson’s Dementia: Stages, Behaviour, Symptoms, and Treatment

Anyone can be affected by this health condition, but some people are prone to it. People above the age of 65 and those with a family history of Alzheimer’s or Dementia, should be more careful. Keeping a close watch on symptoms can help detect this health condition in the early stage. Since it’s a progressive disease, the symptoms show up gradually. People suffering from Alzheimer’s will showcase certain behaviour and symptoms, which will get worse with time. Also Read – Everything You Need to Know About Alzheimer’s Disease is Here

Do you have these symptoms? It is best to consult an expert and take a call:

Some Early Indicators of AD:

• Being unable to keep a track of things, often misplacing them
• Forgetting things that affect everyday life like not being able to count money, drive to a known place etc.
• Inability in solving simple problems
• Being unable to plan or manage everyday tasks
• Inability to keep track of time
• Difficulty in reverting during conversations
• Difficulty in differentiating colour shades and naming them
• Changes in personality and increased anxiety levels

Some Moderate Symptoms of AD:

• Difficulty in recognizing loved ones
• Being unable to take up new tasks or cope to change
• Severe anger issues
• Difficulty in following a language or numbers
• Inability to do tasks like arrange a room, sit on a chair etc.
• Using repetitive statements
• Irritability, increased anxiety, restlessness, crying etc

Some Severe Symptoms of AD:

• No control over physical functions – requires external help
• Inability to communicate
• Difficulty or no control over bladder and bowel functions
• Losing weight
• Difficulty in swallowing
• Making sounds like groaning, moaning etc

(With inputs by Dr. Nithin Kumar N, Consultant – Neurology, Fortis Hospitals, Cunningham Road, Bengaluru)


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