Your Life Is Your Choice. In life, our biggest blessing is the… | by Anthony Voss | Mar, 2022Your Life Is Your Choice. In life, our biggest blessing is the… | by Anthony Voss | Mar, 2022

Your Life Is Your Choice. In life, our biggest blessing is the… | by Anthony Voss | Mar, 2022


In life, our biggest blessing is the opportunity and responsibility to choose. You can either choose to accept this responsibility for your life, discovering the true power we all posses — or — you can choose to ignore this responsibility, viewing it as a “burden” and run away from it…purposely avoiding this responsibility…this GIFT…by overindulging in pleasures. Running away to drugs, excess alcohol, overindulgence in TV or social media, too many video games, or surplus amounts of food.

When we form a bad habit, most of the time, it’s due to a lack of integrity to oneself. Due to us failing to assume ownership of that which has been gifted to us — choice.

How do you know something is “good” or “bad”? Well, I don’t think there is anything external that is necessarily good or bad. The only thing that can be bad or good is our own reasoned choice — our decisions. And I think that we personally have to decide when a decision made, is right or wrong.

I think that this intuition is within all of us already, and that it can be likened to a feeling. And unfortunately, some may deny this fact and lie about not experiencing these feelings when on the run from our responsibility to choose

However, we all know it’s there. The feelings we experience like regret, guilt, or uneasiness are signals within us that are warning us of going down the wrong path. So what’s the right path then?

Well, what are the feelings opposite of regret, guilt, or uneasiness? Satisfaction, collectedness, and control. Take ownership and accept this responsibility and gift we’ve been granted called choice.

Do more of the things that give you these positive feelings, and keep you grounded and present — and stop choosing to do things that cause you negative feelings. Use this gift wisely and experience freedom, fulfillment, and tranquility.


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